20021001 - Pictures - October, November 2002

PA160001  I hope Mom doesn't have high blood pressure! I have to check it! PA230002  I'll be a doctor! I love this funny thing in my ears! PA230003  Let's start practicing! My first patient will be my Mommy! PB090007  Shootout at the convenient store across the street
PB090008  Full media coverage PB110012  Matthew in Coudersport, November 11, 2002 PB110013  Matthew and Uncle Gene PB110016  I like this small puppy!
PB110017  My favourite game is wrestling with the giant panda PB110019  Matthew and Erika PB110020  Let me see! Nice lamp! PB110030  I want everybody to play with me
PB110031  Amazing maze! PB110033  Getting ready for the afternoon nap PB120034  Welcome to the United States! New York, the Empire State! Great place! PB120036  If you don't like your fellow commuters you can shoot them for free!